Flower crowns. Flowy dresses. A duo of sisters who simply couldn’t have been any cuter. This lifestyle family session has it all my friends. We guarantee it will be pretty hard not to smile as you scroll through the snaps of this perfectly cheeky little babe and her adorable big sister.
We had the pleasure of meeting Victoria earlier this year, when she was a bridesmaid in Whitney + Dillon’s gorgeous Edson Keith wedding day. Hanging out with their entire bridal party was a blast, so we were more than excited when Victoria reached out to us about documenting her very own life milestone, high school […]
They had put so much of themselves into every aspect of the day, from the food that was served to the words that were spoken, to the fact that he helped put out the chairs that morning before getting dressed. This was not merely just a wedding or a party to the two of them, […]
They held each other close as they moved slowly across the dance floor. At some parts, they mouthed the words of the song together between smiles and laughs, in the way that you would with your very best friend. And at other parts they leaned in close, sometimes for a kiss and sometimes just because […]
Ok friends. Buckle up, because today’s post is going to be a long one. (Like, maybe pack a snack, tell your mom you’ll be home after dark, kind of long). But it was absolutely necessary because this month’s round of Little Things just so happens to be about Ben’s insanely amazing celebration of my 30th […]
They had already been a family of four. Through all the trips and the memories and the adventures they shared, the love they all had for one another had cemented that fact long before any ceremony could. But that day, in front of the people that meant the most to them, the two of them […]
The window light washed into the room, spilling onto her face and white dress. She laughed as she twirled her veil between her fingers and looked over her shoulder back towards him. Her groom. And as he stood watching her, with a look one can only describe as complete and total adoration and the most […]
Happy Halloween amigos! Who here is as shocked as we are that we’ve arrived at the end of October?! It seriously feels like this month just started, but five weddings and a copious amount of photo shoots later here we are. Hope your month was as filled with fun as ours was! And speaking of […]
You could say he loved her because of the dance lessons he took in order to make their first dance just perfect. Or because of the smile he wore when he first saw her that day, and for every minute that came after it. And you could say she loved him because of the way […]