life right now

It dawned on me the other day, as Ben pointed out that I STILL haven’t done anything with our March vacation pictures, that I am not the best at documenting our lives. I find that I love our job so much, I get enamored in the love stories of all our couples, and am then sometimes guilty of not paying attention to our own. So, lately I have been making an effort to document more of the little things. The every day things. The crazy assortment of day-to-day details that make my life truly wonderful. So what does that look like right now?

It looks like matching Starbucks Lemonade Teas, library books with dog eared pages and daily quotes of inspiration. It’s a husband who sees beauty in the smallest of things and a little lady who loves cupcakes almost as much as me. There’s rainy day Pinterest art together, favorite movies in old theaters, and tons of crossing off on my ever-growing to-do list (but only with my favorite purple pen). All in all, it looks pretty great.

I hope that everyone takes the time today to stop and notice the little things, even if you don’t take a picture. Because when you really stop and look, I bet your little things add up to something pretty amazing too.

Love + Laughs,



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