lessons learned

So we are officially a week into the new year, and Ben and I are finally sitting down and working on our goal setting for 2014. The perfectionist in me said that since we didn’t do it right on January 1st that we were going to have to wait until next January to do it (just like I do when I miss starting a new workout on a Monday and then make myself wait until the very next Monday). But since one of my resolutions this year is progress over perfection, I pushed through and got to writing.

As I was sitting on the overstuffed chair at Starbucks jotting down some of my personal goals (yes, one of them includes putting on real-live pants everyday), it was crazy to me that we are only a week into this new year. I feel like so much has happened already, so if the rest of the year is anything like this first week it is sure to be busy. And exciting. And full of a WHOLE lot of coffee.

Here’s what I’ve learned so far in 2014:

-Cheesecake flavored wine is not for people who actually like wine or cheesecake.

-Footie pajamas can be worn at any age and/or time of day

-People will put a hashtag in front of absolutely #anything

-Bacon is amazing in everything. NO EXCEPTIONS

-Laughing is every bit as therapeutic as crying

-Bathroom attendants make me feel uncomfortable

-Quinoa is delish, and is not pronounced anything like it looks

-It is acceptable to replay Disney movie soundtracks over and over (as long as you have a VERY patient husband)

I hope all of your 2014’s have been every bit as productive (and educational!) as ours so far =] Happy hump-day everyone!

Love + Laughs,



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