Dog Costume for Arrested Development

halloween 2014

Well friends, it’s that time again! October has come to an end and we find ourselves celebrating another Halloween (or as it’s known in our house “Dress up Charlotte Day”). I know what you’re thinking, every day in our house is a Charlotte dress up day, and because of the crazy lady I am I couldn’t argue that point. But Halloween brings something extra special, and because of that is deserving of an extra special costume!

If you’ve been a blog follower for a while you know that last year launched the start of costumes inspired by our most favorite television shows. We went the drama route last year with the ever popular Heisendog, so this year it was only fair that we show favor to one of our favorite comedies. Because the only thing Charlotte loves more than laughing is whipped cream.

With that being said, I give you this  . . . . . .

Dog Costume for Arrested Development


If you read this in a gritty George Sr. voice you get a million extra bonus points for actually watching this show! And if this looks like a whole lot of (very cute) mumbo jumbo then you need to hit up your Netflix and check out Arrested Development like YESTERDAY! You will be so happy you did, and then we can have best friend dates and talk all about it ; )

We hope everyone has a very happy (and delicious!) Halloween!

Love + Laughs,

Sarah, Ben, & Charlotte



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