the little things: mugs and mini horses

WHOA. When did it officially become August? Can you seriously believe we are through with summer already?! I can’t believe it is time for kids to go back to school and pumpkin EVERYTHING to almost start making it’s appearance! I am sad to see July go, especially because it was the month of one of the most epic trips ever, but I’m more than happy to relive my favorite parts and keep record of them here to revisit when their memories are a little less clear in my mind. That’s right friends, it’s time for another round of The Little Things.


The Little Things: July 2015


The Mini Horses

It is a well known fact about me that I am a champion car sleeper. Put me in the passenger seat and tell me I’ll be there for a while, and I immediately get excited about the dreamy, warm, sunlight-filled nap that is about to occur as the car lulls me to sleep. That being said, I tried to fight every single one of my nap urges while we were up in Maine. All of the scenery was just so stinkin’ gorgeous that I felt like the worst human ever to miss any of it. So I pumped myself full of caffeine, we blasted Ben’s vacation mixes, and I tried my hardest to stay awake. And I did. Until one particularly sunny day, when we were listening to James Taylor (which fyi is our JAM) and the roads were just a bit windier than normal and the car a little warmer. It was like the entire world was begging me to close my eyes for just a bit. So I gave in, but not before telling Ben that if we passed anything worthwhile he should wake me up.

About 20 minutes into my nap, the car came to a screeching halt as Ben shouted my name. And as I groggily opened my eyes, there sat my husband with excitement-filled eyes and a smirky-smile on his face, and he simply said “you’re going to want to see this”. He had found the most magical place EVER, a farm of nothing but teeny-tiny horses, and was now getting out of the car to ask for permission for us to see them. Did he get that? NO. What he got us was a full on tour of the place, including getting to pet and feed every single one (including the teeniest little baby horse that made me squeal like a child). It was SUCH a completely wonderful experience.IMG_1249

And as we got back in the car after our pit stop, I couldn’t help but hold Ben’s hand a little tighter. He could have just driven by and gotten us to our next destination. He could have just let me sleep. But he knew how (probably nonsensically) happy seeing those horses would make me, and so, he stopped.


The Window Seat

If you look at Ben and I standing side by side, it’s not any sort of question as to who would be comfier crammed into the middle seat on an airplane. At 5’4 I slide in there pretty easily, not feeling like I am encroaching on a stranger’s space in the least. And then there is Ben, at 6 feet tall, who takes up just a bit more room (and looks slightly more uncomfortable). But nevertheless, EVERY SINGLE TIME we fly, he gives me the window seat. Not because I ask for it (because most of the time I insist he takes it) but because he just knows it’s better. That’s love.




The Mug

You know how sometimes you just have CRAZY moments (ladies, I’m talking to you!) The kind where you know you are reacting completely illogically to something, but you just can’t seem to help it? That’s what happened when I chipped my new favorite mug last month. I had gotten it home safely all the way from Maine, and when I went to rinse it out after it’s very first use I bumped it on the sink and chipped it.  And then I lost my mind. “I hadn’t even gotten to Instagram it yet!” I whined to Ben, as I proceeded to eat my breakfast in a huff. I was hugely grumpy about the tiniest thing (told you, sometimes girls are just illogical). And then, even though I was being snappy while I ate my pancakes, and even though I didn’t ask (or even think to do it) Ben got out some clear nail polish and painted it over the chip. Which not only fixed my mug, it fixed ME.


I still love this mug. And yes, it’s still a little chipped, but that chip doesn’t feel rough or sharp anymore. It’s smooth, the way he made it, a reminder that sometimes even the broken things can remind you of something beautiful. In my mug’s case, it’s not just a cute cup anymore, but a symbol of a man who loves me even in my grumpiest moments and who always finds a way to mend whats broken.


Love + Laughs,



Want to catch up on the all of my favorite Little Things? You can find past posts here:

01. Introduction

02. Bagels and Acro Yoga

03. Paper Eyebrows

04. Mugs and Mini Horses


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