About 2 months ago (yes, it has taken me THIS long to share these) we ventured into Ybor for an afternoon with our besties Ailyn + Doug. They are photographers too (check out Ailyn La Torre Photography!) and we thought it would be fun to spend an afternoon exploring, shooting in less than perfect lighting conditions, and drinking some cuban coffee. (With extra importance on the coffee). We had so much fun with these two, as always, and wanted to share a little about our afternoon!

There was lots of inception style shooting going on,Ybor Shoot_0014

and Ben was pretty good at turning on his model-esque charm (as usual).

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We shot in the harshest of full sun, and got some preeeettty sweet stuff anyways : )

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There was lots of canoodling . . .

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and some kisses here and there.

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And the boys decided they would practice shooting their album cover,

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before Ben decided to take the shoot in a different direction for a bit.

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We spent a ton of time laughing,

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and documented how my sweet friend is every bit as beautiful on the outside as she is inside.

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We laughed some more,

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decided to be serious for just a couple,

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and then ended to get lunch. Which is enough to make any girl smile!

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Happy Wednesday everyone!

Love + Laughs,



  1. Ailyn La Torre Hemminger says:

    Oh I love this and you two so much!! Let’s do it again soon! <3

  2. Doug Hemminger says:

    Great time, great friends, great pics, great coffee and great post (oh…and great album cover)!!!

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