the datebox contest

Good morning friends! And happy Tuesday! If you follow along regularly on the blog you know that a couple months ago we shared about Datebox, which is an awesome new monthly subscription service we had discovered. Basically the team over at Datebox sends an adorable date your way on a monthly basis, and each and every time you get a box you can’t help but squeal in delight at the cuteness of it all (I mean, they sent us a legit indoor CAMPING trip one month, how amazing is that?!) We could go on and on about how awesome it is, but we already did that in THIS post. Go check it out!

This month’s date included at home dance lessons, and involved a super awesome contest at the end. We were tasked with making some sort of creative video that showed off our newfound dance skills, and what resulted was kind of cheesy, kind of awesome, and of course had to include a cameo from Charlotte! We are absolutely BLOWN away that our video has already been watched over 3400 times in less than 24 hours, and would love your help to keep it going!

You can check out our video below, and if you are so inclined can head to our Facebook Page and share it! We would be mucho grateful for any support in helping us win an all expense paid trip to NYC (which, let’s be real, is 95% driven by our love of good pizza ; ) We promise if we win we’ll come back with amazing pictures to share with you all (and also maybe smuggle home some pizza ; )

Sarah & Ben’s Dance with Datebox from Sarah McLachlan on Vimeo.


Thanks to everyone for their awesome support! And a HUGE thank you to Datebox for giving us a glamorous escape from our self-employed day to day life of yoga pants and top knots!

Love + Laughs,

Sarah & Ben



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