A Hyde Park Family Session by the Fountains

There’s something truly special about a Hyde Park family session, especially when it spans generations! This mini session was filled with so much love, laughter, and family joy, and I couldn’t have loved it any more.

We kicked things off by the beautiful Hyde Park Village fountains, with the proud grandparents front and center, soaking in all the love from their two daughters and adorable grandkids. It’s clear that family is everything to them, and capturing those big smiles and sweet hugs was such a joy.

The little ones at the center of this session—the cutest little girl who was full of giggles, and a snuggly baby boy – were so sweet to photograph. Watching them interact with their parents and seeing the next generation forming their own connections was so heartwarming and so fun to document.

The fountains at Hyde Park Village made for such a dreamy backdrop. The kids loved watching the water splash, and we took full advantage of the soft light filtering through the trees. The playful energy between them was contagious, and you could just feel how much fun they were having together. It was one of those perfect moments where everyone’s personalities really came out, from the grandparents sharing sweet smiles to the kids being their adorable, curious selves.

This Hyde Park family session was full of energy and happiness, and we loved every moment of it! Thank you for letting us capture these sweet memories—you guys were such a blast!

Love + Laughs,

Sarah & Ben



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