Flower crowns. Flowy dresses. A duo of sisters who simply couldn’t have been any cuter. This lifestyle family session has it all my friends. We guarantee it will be pretty hard not to smile as you scroll through the snaps of this perfectly cheeky little babe and her adorable big sister.
It was fitting that the boutonniere he wore on his lapel was made of the same material as her gown, because the two of them are woven together in just the same way. They have resided in each other’s souls for so long they are simply a part of one another, their lives entwined into […]
He wrote her a letter. In the straightest of lines and the neatest of handwriting, he penned the final words he would get to say before seeing her as his bride. Later that morning, she couldn’t get the envelope holding his words open fast enough. Not realizing until after the fact that she was so […]
When Charlotte first met Oliver, she immediately became his most fierce protector. She barks louder than ever any time someone comes to the door, she is constantly on patrol when someone new is holding him, and she greets him every day with the waggiest of tails and a sneaky kiss or two (even though she […]
Happy Monday friends! Oliver is officially two months old today (where has the time gone?!) so we thought it was the perfect day to share the last part of his arrival story – these shots of him at twelve days new. Laura Gattis blew us away with these shots of our sweet little man, and […]
Are you planning a vacation to Acadia National Park with your family? While you may be busy making plans to explore the park’s stunning natural beauty, don’t forget to book a session with an Acadia family photographer like me! Acadia is one of our most favorite places on the planet, and a family photo session […]
The two of them stood in the clearing. The golden light filtered through the trees and he wrapped his arms tightly around the open back of her dress. It was a moment out of the most picturesque of storybooks and was perfectly fitting for the two souls at the center of it all. And as […]
They believe in fairytales. They have faith in dreams coming true and happily ever afters, because their’s is a world where true love conquers all. And on a day that buzzed with the kind of magic found in their favorite stories, they began the next chapter of their very own. In a room drenched in […]
Oh man guys. Where has the past 6 weeks gone?! Without making the most stereotypical new parent statement EVER, time is flying by so fast ever since we welcomed Oliver. We took some time away from work and social media and basically the world, while we focused on the little guy who has become the […]