downtown tampa engagement: jessica + evan

After spending  time with Jessica and Evan, there are a few things that become insanely obvious:

[1] There is absolutely no doubt that these two are each other’s best friends (and Jessica has fun songs to prove it!)

[2] They make each other laugh constantly, which in our opinion is a preeeeetty important part of a successful marriage.

[3] They are insanely fun to be around. Like, MEGA fun.

We met the two of them downtown for a session at the University of Tampa, followed by a ride on the Hillsborough River (where we just so happened to learn that Ben is an A+ boat captain). It was a seriously awesome afternoon full of so much laughing, sunshine, and champagne. And it just doesn’t get better than that : )

Jessica + Evan, we cannont WAIT for the big day in November, and you know there will be some Cards Against Humanity going down before that!

Love + Laughs,

Sarah & Ben



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